One PhD position available at Aarhus University, Denmark
One PhD position is available at the Aarhus University, Denmark. Dr. Asp and Dr. Geissmann at the Graduate School of Technical Sciences are looking for a PhD candidate in the following subject area:
Topic: PhD in Agricultural Ecology and Machine Learning: An Underground Video Tracking System to Characterise Novel Earthworm-Plant Interactions. For more information please visit the Website.
Dr. Torben Asp June 2024
One Postdoctoral position available at Aarhus University, Denmark
One Postdoctoral position is available at the Aarhus University, Denmark. Dr. Han at the Department of Agroecology is looking for a Postdoctoral scientist in the following subject area:
Topic: Advancing root mixture analysis under diverse perennial cropping systems. For more information please visit the Website.
Dr. Eusun Han, October 2023
2 Postdoctoral positions available at IPK, Germany
Two Postdoctoral positions are available at the Leibniz Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research (IPK), Germany. The research group Genetics and Physiology of Root Development at IPK, is looking for two Postdoctoral scientists in the following subject areas:
Topic 1: Postdoctoral scientist (f/m/d) in the field of Root Physiology. Topic 2: Postdoctoral scientist (f/m/d) in the field of Root Genetics.
For more information please visit the Website and Website.
Dr. Hannah Schneider, October 2023
2 PhD student positions available at FZJ, Germany
Two PhD positions at Plant Sciences, Jülich, Germany
The root group in Plant Sciences (IBG-2, FZJ), is looking for two PhD students in the following subject areas:
Topic 1: ROOTED: Root plasticity responses to low P as modulated by N availability. Topic 2: Root2Resilience: Simulation of root system architecture for the discovery of traits covering resilience to Climate Change.
For more information please visit the Website
Johannes Postma, Josefine Kant and Congcong Zheng, May 2023
Assistant Professor position at Wageningen University, Netherlands
Wageningen University is looking for an Assistant Professor (Tenure Track)
A Tenure Track position for Assistant Professor is currently available at Wageningen University. The applicant will work on root physiology in hydroponics systems of flowers and horticulture crops. For more information please visit the website. Application deadline is 10 May 2022.
Josefine Kant, April 2022
PhD student position available at ZALF, Germany
Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF) looking for a PhD student
The working group Isotope Biogeochemistry and Gas Fluxes, Research area 1 of ZALF, landscape functioning, is looking for a PhD student in a newly funded project "Rhizosphere traits to improve crop breeding for enhanced P efficiency under water limitation". For more information please download the job advertisement.
Maire Holz, Josefine Kant, March 2022
PhD student position available at ZALF, Germany
Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF) looking for a PhD student
The working group Isotope Biogeochemistry and Gas Fluxes, Research area 1 of ZALF, landscape functioning, is looking for a PhD student in a newly funded project "Rhizosphere traits to improve crop breeding for enhanced P efficiency under water limitation". For more information please download the job advertisement.
Maire Holz, Josefine Kant, December 2021
Research Fellow position available at University of Melbourne
University of Melbourne looking for a post doc in Plant root biology
A position for an experienced post doctoral researcher is open at University of Melbourne. Plant root biology in general and root system design for greater water uptake and soil carbon sequestration will be the center of this position. For more information please visit the website.
Michelle Watt, Josefine Kant November 2021
Group Leader positions available at ANU
ANU Research School of Biology is offering 3 group leader positions
At the Australian National University in Canberra, Australia, three group leader positions are currently available. They are focussing on either photosynthetic biology, host-microbe biology, or membrane biology. For more information please visit the website.
Josefine Kant, July 2021
ISRR Dundee Root Medal and Root-rhizosphere Interactions Workshop
Workshop recording available on youtube
The 2020 ISRR Dundee Root Medal on Root-rhizosphere Interactions Workshop, hosted by the James Hutton Institute, took place on 5th May 2021. Prof Doris Vetterlein (UFZ, Halle, Germany) gave a lecture titled "Rhizosphere research - can we solve the dilemna between detailed knowledge and system understanding?", for which she was awarded the Dundee Medal. The accompaniying workshop featured seven additional talks and a poster session. Due to the Corona pandemic all talks were online, recorded, and can be watch on youtube.
Timothy George, Josefine Kant, May 2021
PhD positions available at Forschungszentrum Jülich
PhD positions at Plant Sciences, Jülich, Germany
In the graduate programm "Qantitative Plant Sciences" 6 topics for interested candidates are listed. Several plant research topics including root studies are advertised. Information can be found in the download summary or on the website.
Ingar Janzig, Josefine Kant, May 2021
Postdoctoral positions available
Postdoctoral positions open at LEPSE / INRAE, France
Three postdoctoral positions are currently available at the Laboratoire d'Écophysiologie des Plantes sous Stress Environnementaux (LEPSE), INRAE, Montpellier, France. They are part of the H2020 projects SolACE and EPPN2020 and range from 3D image analysis, modeling to plant ecophysiology. For more details see the job descriptions: image analysis, modeling, phenotypic plasticity.
Pierre Martre, Josefine Kant, February 2021
Exclusive ISRR discount
Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing are delighted to announce the publication of their exciting new title, Understanding and improving crop root function, edited by Emeritus Professor Peter Gregory, University of Reading, UK.
This new publication features authoritative reviews of current research in all aspects of root science, including root growth regulators, root anatomy, nutrient acquisition and root system architecture. The book discusses the responses of plant roots to abiotic and biotic stresses and how understanding nutrient uptake can be exploited to optimise root function.
Find out more here.
Benefit from 20% off the book if purchased via the Burleigh Dodds website. Enter code ISRR20 at checkout to receive this discount. Discount expires 28th February 2021.
Katherine Lister, Josefine Kant, January 2021
MelPoPP PhD student projects open for applications
Open Postions for PhD students at University of Melbourne & University of Postdam
Several PhD projects are being advertised at the moment for the joint PhD program of University of Melbourne and the University of Postdam (MelPoPP). Joint PhD degrees can be obtained and research stays at both Universities is the standard procedure. Application deadline is Januar 31st 2021. Information from Melbourne and Postdam.
Jessica Piesse, Josefine Kant, January 2021
PhD student position at University of Bonn
Open Postion for PhD student at Crop Functional Genomics of University of Bonn
The CFG group at the University of Bonn is seeking a PhD student wanting to study at the intersection of plant development and plant nutrition. Main interest of the project will be to study boron deficiency-induced defects of maize and the underlying molecular mechanisms thereof. For more information please see the flyer.
Michaela Matthes, Josefine Kant, December 2020
PhD student position at ZALF
Open Postion for PhD student at Leibniz Centre for Agricutural Landscape Research
At Leibniz Centre for Agricutural Landscape Research (ZALF), working group of Isotope Biogeochemistry and Gas Fluxes, a PhD position is open for the project "Small-scale processes, large effect: rhizosphere traits as key for P efficiency in upland rice". Applications can be send until 15 September 2020. For further information and contact details please see the flyer.
Maire Holz, Josefine Kant, August 2020
Call for contributions to online conference
The digital conference DigiCrop 2020 is seeking speakers
The International Conference on Digital Technologies for Sustainable Crop Production DIGICROP 2020 will take place 1-10 Nov 2020 as online edition. Interested presentators are asked to provide a 3 minute video before 1 Aug 2020. For more information please see the conference flyer.
Josefine Kant, June 2020
PhD student position at Lorraine University
Open Postion for PhD student at INRAE
At Lorraine University a PhD position is open for the project "developmental plasticity of the poplar root system in response to physical soil heterogeneities". Applications can be send until 20 June 2020. For further information and contact details please see the INRAE flyer.
Marie-Béatrice Bogeat-Triboulot, May 2020
8 PhD student positions advertised
Open Postions for PhD students at Forschungszentrum Juelich, Germany
Within the graduate programe "quantitative plant sciences" the insitute of plant sciences of Forschungszentrum Juelich is offerening several PhD positions. The projects offered represent the vast range of competence and research directions within the insitute and go from deep learning in image processing to plant-bacteria-bacteriophage interaction. For further information please visit the FZJ website.
Ingar Janzig, Josefine Kant, March 2020
Deadline extended: Woody Roots 8
The deadline for Abstract submission for a possible oral presentations has been extended to 7 March 2020 (Saturday). Abstract submission for posters will be extended until May 1, 2020.
You are kindly invited to Woody Roots 8 - 8th International Symposium on Physiological Processes in Roots of Woody Plants, to be held from June 21th till June 25th, 2020 in State College, Pennsylvania.
The symposium will focus on a range of topics from belowground resources acquisition and carbon expenditure to scaling root processes and root signalling and microbial interactions. Moreover, we also include sessions aimed at understanding the key roles of roots in food production and land restoration. In a rapidly changing world we will address also issues of roots in global change, linking root functioning and belowground biodiversity, root phenology, roots and ecosystem services. Detailed information is available on our webpage ( Two journals, Plant and Soil (Springer) and Frontiers in Plant Science (Functional Plant Ecology) have special issues associated with the symposium.
I am happy to announce that online registration (early bird period ends May 1) and abstract submission are open. Postdocs and Graduate students are invited to apply for one of 12 travel awards covering up to $500 for North American Students and up to $1,000 for overseas students. Awards will be based on the quality of the abstract and how well the abstract fits the theme of the session. There will be two awards given for each session.
David Eisenstat, Ulrike Mathesius, February 2020
Post-doc position available
at Cornell University, Ithaca USA
A position for a postdoctoral associate is vacant at the School of Integrative Plant Science, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences in the laboratories of Dr. Taryn Bauerle and Dr. Johannes Lehmann. The project will encompass lab and field work focussing on plant root exudates and soil carbon dynamics. For more information please visit the University website.
Taryn Bauerle, Josefine Kant, November 2019
Post-doc position available
at Cranfield University, UK
A position for a research assistant or research fellow in modelling african rice soils is available at Cranfield University. The position will be under Professor Guy Kirk. For more information please visit the University website.
Guy Kirk, Josefine Kant, November 2019
Interdrought 6 Registration open
Interdrought 6 in Mexico
The sixth Interdrought meeting will take place next March in Mexico City, Mexico. Early bird registration is still possible till 24 Nov 2019 at the Interdrought 6 conference website. Roots will be featured and visiting CIMMYT – the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center – will be a part of this conference.
Josefine Kant, November 2019
ISRR11 Website available
Homepage for the 11th ISRR meeting is online
In less than two years the next ISRR meeting will take place. The local organizing committee at University of Missouri has started to set up a website for the conference where you can find all information in due time. isrr11 conference website.
Josefine Kant, September 2019
Professor Position
Professor in Plant Root Sciences at IPK and University of Göttingen, Germany
A tenure-track Professorship position is vacant at University of Göttingen and IPK Gatersleben. The Universities are searching for a plant root scientist with focus on crop species. More details can be found in the job descripion which you can download here.
Josefine Kant, August 2019
Academic experts
Academic experts in Data Science at University of Duesseldorf and University of Cologne, Germany
Two acedemic experts in Data Science are seeked, one each at the University of Cologne and at the University of Duesseldorf. Experience in handling large biological data sets, data management, and data analysis are required. For the web application please follow this link and for a pdf with more details on the positions please use this link.
Josefine Kant, July 2019
Associate and full Professorship
Professorship at University of Bonn and Science Team Leader position at Aarhus University, Denmark
Two Professorship positions are currently open. First, an Associate Professor level as Science Team Leader in plant nutrition of high value crops, protected plant production systems, at Aarhus University, Denmark. For more details please follow the link. Second, the University of Bonn, Germany, is seeking a full Professorship for Plant Breeding. Among others, this position will be related to "Bioeconomy Science Center" and the "DFG research training group GRK 2064: Water use efficiency and drought stress response". For more information please use the link.
Josefine Kant, July 2019
Postdoctoral position at UPSC
Postdoctoral position at Umea Plant Science Center
A position for a postdoctoral fellow in the group of Prof Karin Ljung is available. The fellow will be working on the reseach topic how different nitrogen sources affect lateral root inition in plants. Experience in molecular and/or cell biology is necessary, application deadline is 30 June 2019. More information can be downloaded here.
Karin Ljung, Josefine Kant, Mai 2019
New open access journal available
Plant Phenomics
Distributed by the American Association for the Advancement of Sience (AAAS), a new journal Plant Phenomics is now open for submissions. It is the official journal of the Nanjing Agricultural University (NAU). All aspects of plant phenotyping from whole plant or cellular level to novel computational technologies wil be covered. For more information please visit the journal website.
IPPN, Josefine Kant, April 2019
New platform to increase diversity in plant science
Several researchers from the North American Arabidopsis Steering Committee (NAASC) recently set up the DiversifyPlantSci online list as part of our ongoing commitment to promote a global plant science community that reflects the true diversity of all its members. One purpose of this list is to move away from mostly personal networks for e.g. recruitment of conference speakers. You can add yourself to this list by this form have a look at the website or follow on twitter @DiversityPlants.
Joanna Friesner, Josefine Kant, March 2019
Open PhD student, postdoc, and other positions
Data analyst, PhD student, PostDoc, through the IPPN
The International Plant Phenotyping Network (IPPN) is listing currently open positions ranging from PhD students, Postdocs, data analysts, and others. Open positions are in Japan, New Zealand, Germany, Austria, and the UK. For more information on each position please visit the website.
Josefine Kant, February 2019
Open PhD students position at NIAB-EMR
PhD student, at NIAB-EMR, UK
A PhD student position is open for the project "Carbon sequestration potential of apple rootstocks: the role of root recalcitrance, rhizodeposition, and the rhizosphere microbiome". For more information please refer to the website.
Josefine Kant, February 2019
Open positions for PhD students and a Postdoc
Positions, at ESPCI, France and Cornell University, USA
A PhD postition is open at the ESPCI Paris, France entitled "Biomechanics of the plant roots in granular soils". Application deadline is 17 Sept 2018.
More information can be found on the website.
And a postdoc postion is open at Geneva, Cornell University, New York, USA. The postion involves high throughput phenotyping, remote sensing, quantitative genetics. More information can be found here.
Josefine Kant, Sept 2018
Open positions for Researchers to Professor
Several positions, at Istituto Agrario di San Michele All'adige, Italy; University of Leuven, Belgium; University of Bonn, Germany
Two fixed term positions for third level Researchers are open at the Research and Innovation Center of the Fondazione Edmund Mach in Italy. Both positions are in the field of Phenotyping and applications have to be send by 31st July. More information can be found here and here.
The University of Leuven is looking for an assitant/associate/full Professor in Big Data and human-environment systems; applications to be handed in by 31st of August. Details on the position can be found here.
Another two Professor positions are open at University of Bonn. The University is seeking to fill the position of a full professorship in Data Science in Crop Production and another full professorship in Plant Pathology. Please find the announcements here and here.
Josefine Kant, July 2018
Open positions for PhD students
Several PhD student positions, at University of Queensland, Australia; Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden; Aarhus University, Denmark
A PhD student position is open at Seek at the University of Queensland. The project will build on Speed Breeding to improve wheat roots. More information can be found here.
Another PhD student position is available at the SLU (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences). This project will be in research education: plant breeding with focus on machine learning. For more information please see the advertisement link.
A third PhD student position is open at Aarhus University in the project RobuCrop- robust wheat for the future. More information can be found here.
IPPN, Lee Hickey, June 2018
Open positions SPP 2089
Several positions, at UFZ Halle and University of Bonn, Germany
The new priority program 2089- Rhizosphere Spatiotemporal Organisation (SPP 2089) is starting in September of 2018. Several positions within the priority program are open at the UFZ Halle, including Project coordinator, PhD student positions, Datamanager, Technical Assistance starting from September 2018 on. Also, A PhD student position is open from September 2018 onwards at the University of Bonn. Several other open positions within the SPP, also at other participating Universities, may be updated in the future.
For more information please see the SPP 2089 website.
Prof Doris Vetterlein, UFZ Halle, June 2018
Election of new President of the ISRR
Prof Dr Peter Gregory has announced that he will stand down as President at the ISRR10 meeting in Israel this July. As we know, Peter has made an outstanding contribution as ISRR President over many years, and we thank him sincerely for this. He leaves the position as outgoing President with the Society in very good shape!
The ISRR is contacting all Society Members to receive nominations for Society President, through an election process that will be completed at the upcoming Society General Meeting to be held at ISRR10 (09-12 July 2018). That being, a call now for nominations that will be put forward at the Society General Meeting.
As a Society member please consider any interest you have in this position, either through self-nomination or, following discussion, the nomination of others via this form.
Nominations are to be submitted by direct email to Dr Alan Richardson ( by 31 May 2018 (from which eligible nominations will be first considered by the working group, and put forward at the ISRR10 meeting, irrespective of whether nominated persons (or nominators) can be in attendance).
Thank you for your consideration of this, and we look forward to any replies by 31 May 2018.
Alan Richardson, Executive Comittee; Josefine Kant, May 2018
Faculty position open at University of Saskatchewan
Tenure-track, assistant professor position at University of Saskatchewan, Canada
The College of Engineering at the University of Saskatchewan in association with the Global Institute for Food Security (GIFS) and the Canada Excellence Research Chair (CERC) in Global Food Security are pleased to invite applications for a tenure-track, assistant professor appointment in imaging. A world-class program to develop and transfer agricultural innovations to both developing and developed areas of the world for the purpose of ensuring food security will be developed. The CERC program in Global Food Security is building a multidisciplinary research team consisting of 4-5 faculty positions and an additional 30-40 postdoctoral, graduate student, and research technician positions. The team’s research disciplines will span the biological and physical sciences, including plant molecular biology, physiology and genetics, engineering, computer science, soil science, and microbiology. Disruptive technologies are needed to ensure food security in view of sharply increasing human needs. A logical approach to achieving such goals will involve the channeling of groundbreaking research advances across multiple disciplines in the physical and biological sciences. For more information please see the University website.
Jim Bugg, University of Saskatchewan, May 2018
Travel awards available for PSP6 symposium
PSP6 travel awards Symposium on Phosphorus in Soils and Plants 10-13 September in Leuven, Belgium
For the 6th Symposium on Phosphorus in Soils and Plants (PSP6) travel awards are still available- submission deadline is 15 May 2018! The award includes waiver for registration and two levels of travel assisitance: €600 or €1200. Application is possible via the abstract submission tool. Please see the conference website for further information. Abstract submission is open until 15 May 2018 and early bird registration unitl 30 June 2018, afterwards the normal registration fees apply.
PSP6 organizers; Josefine Kant, May 2018
Professor position open at Radboud University
Professor of Plant Physiology Radboud University, Nijmegen, Netherlands
The Radboud University is looking for a full professor of Plant Physiology. This position will include leading a research group within the broad field of plant-environment interactions, applying, for example, molecular physiology, biochemistry, genetics, genomics, metabolomics, plant eco-physiology. Future collaborations within the University and outside groups is welcome. Part of the position will be responsibility for University courses in Bachelor's and Master's programme in Biology and more specilised courses.
More information can be found on the University's website.
Mike Jetten (Radboud University); Josefine Kant, January 2018
Postdoc position advertisement by IRD
Quantitative genomics of root traits in pearl millet IRD, UMR DIADE, Montpellier, France
Studies of the genetic basis of adaptation have, for a long time, considered mainly above ground phenotype. Genetic basis of root traits and how plants shape their root microbial community only begin to be investigated as adaptive traits. Pearl millet is an important crop for food security especially in the semi-arid areas of the Sahel where other crops tend to fail because of low rainfall and poor soil conditions. We recently characterized the variability of exudation (Ndour et al. 2017) and root growth (Passot et al. 2016) in pearl millet. These results led us to conduct a genetic association studies on a large panel of inbred lines to identify genome regions controlling root growth and exudation. We plan to expand this research in a recently funded ANR project "Root traits for adaptation of pearl millet to future climate in West Africa" that targets root traits in pearl millet to enhance water and nutrient acquisition, production stability in changing climates, and concomitantly to increase global food security. The postdoctoral fellow will be in charge of the research to identify and characterize genes controlling QTLs for root growth and exudation in pearl millet. More information can be found in the advertisement, contact: Y. Yigouroux, L. Laplaze.
Yves Yigouroux, Laurent Laplaze, November 2017
Call for Abstracts for the ISRR10 meeting in Israel 2018
The ISRR 10 abstract submissions are now open until 14 Feb 2018. For more information about abstract submission and the entire conference please see the conference website. Similar to the previous meeting in Canberra 2015 (ISRR9), special issues will be published. Plant and Soil and Annals of Botany will publish research papers while the Journal aof Experimental Botany will publish review papers. Presenters wishing to publish a paper in any of the special issues should indicate this in the abstract submission form and prepare to submit the manuscript during the conference!
ISRR10 executive team, Josefine Nestler, July 2017
Job advertisement by University of Nebraska-Lincoln and University of Southampton
A Root Biologist with an 80% research and 20% teaching appointment is sought by the Department of Agronomy and Horticulture and the Center for Plant Science Innovation within the Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources at the University of Nebraska. This will be a nine-month, tenure-leading faculty position at the Assistant/Associate Professor rank. Please check the Univeristy of Nebraska-Lincoln website for more details.
Daniel Schachtman, May 2017
We are seeking to recruit a postdoctoral researcher to work on the mathematical modelling of plant-soil interactions on the project entitled “Real-time in situ sensing of soil nitrogen status to promote enhanced nitrogen use efficiency in agricultural systems” which is funded by the UK Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC). Kindly find more information on the University of Southampton website.
Tiina Roose, May 2017
Travel Grant for IPG 2017
IPPN Root Phenotyping Working Group Travel Grant for Researchers Using Phenotyping at the IPG 2017, 34th Annual Root Biology Symposium in Columbia, Missouri, USA 7-9 June 2017.
The IPPN Root Phenotyping Working Group (RPWG) encourages mobility among researchers and enhances international contacts between research groups. With this sponsorship grant RPWG supports participation of Early Career Researchers at the IPG 2017, 34th Annual Root Biology Symposium.
Up to four grants of 500 EUR per researcher can be awarded. Application deadline is 1 May 2017.
You are affiliated with a university or a research institution and you are an early career scientist, PhD student, or postdoc who finished their PhD no later than ten years ago.
Please fill in the travel grant application and submit it to Saoirse Tracy. The applications will be evaluated by the RPWG Board.
Saoirse Tracy, Josefine Nestler, April 2017
Open SimRoot now available
OpenSimRoot was publicly announced as open source software under GPL3 at the Root Phenotyping Working Group Satellite Meeting to the IPPN Meeting, Dec 12, 2016. The software origin itself looks back at a history of more then 22 years of root research, since SimRoot started at PennState in the mid 1990th. SimRoot got new functionality over the years and a code re-design at IBG-2 at Forschungszentrum Juelich, Germany. This makes it more modular and ready to plug in your own modules and functional structural mini-models. Today we look forward to new collaborations of further developement of OpenSimRoot for example with CPIB at the University of Nottingham.
We now provide executables with our community and like to share code for further collaboration and contribution over GitLab (GitLab Rootmodels).
OpenSimRoot is a 3D architectural plant model. It simulates the growth of a root system over time in a 3D virtual space and is coupled to a 3D soil model, to compute water and nutrient uptake by the use of functional structural models. OpenSimRoot as a research tool allows us to study the effect of a specific root trait on resource acquisition, so that we can study the importance of a trait under multiple resource constraints (SimRoot).
Christian Kuppe, Johannes Postma, Feb 2017
New Webpage
Welcome to the new homepage of the International Society for Root Research.
Since summer 2016 the new executive secretary, Prof. Dr. Michelle Watt, took over the responsibilty of hosting the ISRR website from Prof. Dr. Peter Gregory, President of the ISRR. The ISRR website has been completely remodelled and can now, as of December 2016, finally be launched through Forschungszentrum Juelich. You may notice that the web address and general organization was conserved with some minor changes in design and tab outlet. We implemented some of the wonderful 'crazy root' pictures from the conference competition at the last ISRR meeting in Canberra, 2015. Another significant change is the inclusion of a 'members' site where all societies' members who did agree to publishing their name on the Membership form are listed. We hope that this will broaden the strength of the society and increase its visibility to the outside and to young researchers around the world.
Our vision for the future of this website includes a more active communication to and between its members. We want the site to become a platform for root researchers around the world to announce new publications, projects, or search for collaborations, projects, and more. For this purpose, we would like to introduce a quarterly newsletter preferably send to the members via email and uploaded to the news section of this new website. All of you are invited to send us things you would like to share with the root community!
Welcome root researchers!
Michelle Watt & team, Jan 2017
Let us know ...
... about news in your research!
New publications or projects?
Upcoming conference or meeting with root sections?
New method or standard you want to share with the community?
Feedback on the new homepage is also welcome.
Essentially we want to set up a regular, probably quaterly newsletter for members of the ISRR from 2017 on. If you would like to share some of the above mentioned news or others please write to us using the new isrr-email address we have created (
We are looking forward to your contributions,
Josefine Nestler, Dec 2016