Newsletter October 2019

Dear Members of the International Society of Root Research,


We would like to welcome you to our eighth ISRR newsletter, designed to stimulate global communication and advancement of plant root science and inform you about ongoing activities within the root research community and the ISRR. Feel free to share this newsletter with others, ISRR members and non-members.


Feature article: The International Root Phenotyping Working Group

By Saoirse Tracy

The International Root Phenotyping Working Group is a special interest group within the International Plant Phenotyping Network (IPPN). It was established in 2015 and is open to all who are interested in the broad theme of root phenotyping.


The Root Phenotyping Working Group aims to:

  • be a forum to identify the scientific and technical boundaries of root phenotyping
  • advance root phenotyping, to speed up use for global agricultural and environmental challenges

If you are interested in joining the mailing list please email The group have held at least one annual event as a satellite meeting every year. Venue locations include Mexico, Missouri, Adelaide, Israel, Oklahoma, China and our next planned event is in Nottingham. If you are hosting a root phenotyping event and would like to propose a satellite meeting, please contact the group. For early-career researchers we often have travel grants available to attend these meetings. To date we have been able to give over €8250 in travel grants to root meetings to early-career researchers. We work closely with the ISRR and hope to expand our membership over the next year.

Prof. Saoirse Tracy, University College Dublin

Youtube channel for ISRR10

With permission of speakers, several talks at the ISRR10 in Israel last July were videotaped and are available on youtube. The channel is called ISRR2018 and can be found by following this link.


Website for ISRR11 available now

Although still more than a year away, the website for the 11th symposium of the International Society of Root Research was launched by the organizers surrounding Bob Sharp from University of Missouri. Following this link will bring you to the conference website.


Feature publications

  • Xiao et al. 2019: “Lateral root formation involving cell division in both pericycle, cortex and endodermis is a common and ancestral trait in seed plants.” (doi:10.1242/dev.182592)
  • He et al. 2019: “Effects of root cooling on plant growth and fruit quality of cocktail tomato during two consecutive seasons” (
  • Torres-Martínez et a. 2019: “Lateral root primordium morphogenesis in angiosperms” (doi:10.3389/fpls.2019.00206)
  • Bardhan et al. 2018: “Revealing the effects of Potassium on rice roots under moisture stress” (Better Crops/Vol102-2018)

Please nominate a recent publication from your group for featuring in the following newsletter!


Some interesting meetings upcoming in the next months

  • 3rd international training course and workshop on ‘Advanced Microscopy Techniques for Plant-microbe Interaction Analysis’ in Vienna/Tulln, Austria from 25-29November 2019 (conference website)
  • Interdrought 2020 in Mexico City, Mexico from 9-13 March 2020 (conference website)
  • 8th International Symposium on Structure and Function of Roots in the High Tatras mountain region of the Slovak Republic, on 6-10 Sept 2020

Please let us know if another interesting conference, ideally featuring a section about roots, is coming up so that we can promote the meeting on our website and in the next newsletters.


Follow ISRR News on Twitter account @RootScientists

News from members of the International Society of Root Research is featured on Twitter in an account hosted jointly with the International Plant Phenotyping Network (IPPN) Root Phenotyping Working Group. Have a look for insights into ongoing root research and phenotyping, shared by members of either group and feel free to tweet and retweet us!



If you would like to announce something or give feedback to the newsletter or the web site, please write an email to our official address ( Of course you can also retract your agreement to receiving this e-bulletin in the future.


Kind regards,

Dr. Josefine Kant (née Nestler) and Prof. Michelle Watt, ISRR President,

On behalf of the ISRR Executive and Executive Secretary Ulrike Mathesius