ISRR Lifetime Award

The ISRR Lifetime Award was awarded to Margaret McCully in Canberra, 2015; and to Hans Lambers in Israel, 2018.

Lifetime Achievement Award

The Lifetime awardof the International Society of Root Research is intended to honor those who have considerably contributed to root research during their scientific careers. This may include contributions by research, publications, training of students, mentoring of yound scientists, forming the society itself, and/or others.

Award in 2018 during ISRR10 to Hans Lambers
For the second time the ISRR Lifetime Award was granted in 2018. In Israel it was awared to Hans Lambers during the 10th Symposium of the International Society of Root Research. Aside of his significant research in the areas of plant respiration, mineral nutrition, and growth analysis, he has also edited twelwe books and trained a number of young researchers and establishedthe Kwongan Foundation for the conservation of Australia's bioderversity. More about the foundation can be found here.

Award in 2015 during ISRR9 to Margaret McCully
For the first time the ISRR Lifetime Award was granted in 2015 when it was given to Margaret McCully at the ISRR9 Symposium honoring her scientific contributions throughout her career. She joined the Carleton University in 1966 and has since published two books and over 160 papers. Among the many fields of research, especially root research of course, she may best be known for her work in anatomical dissection and understanding of roots. Many of her former students are meanwhile reowned scientists, including Prof Michelle Watt, the current executive secretary of the ISRR. A short honorary article from Carleton University can be found here.